

Started today with a little diddy that really helps me get going in the right direction...

I fumbled around with my hair and face, and NASCAR'd it to work. 
Since next week is Spring Break, a bunch of people preparing to take time off. That means a bunch of people are bringing me a ton of work.

At first I was all

But then I was like

Besides, we get off at 4 today. So what's the point?
I'll have plenty of time next week to get stuff done while everyone else is enjoying their time off...

Okay, moving on

What's going on this weekend?

We're helping some of our sweet friends who run the High Plains Food Bank Garden with planting tomorrow morning. They just had a baby in February, and her parents were recently in a terrible car accident - so they really need help. 

The majority of the food produced in the Garden goes directly to the Kids Cafe kitchen where it can be prepared in meals at its peak of freshness, and feed kids (and adults, too) all over the panhandle.

You can learn more about The Garden and even sign up to volunteer here.

I also have a skype date with my friend Max - check out her blog. She's a pro. And also hilarious.

have a good weekend. 
okay, bye.

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